Monday, January 17, 2011



  1. Wow you found some good deals! I need to add to my jewelry collection! You always have such cute stuff.

  2. No, I love you! Thank you so much for being my friend. You're such a good example to me.
    We should get some girls together and just do a girls night.
    And I love all your jewelry! It is a great find, I'm jealous :)

  3. I didn't realize you'd bought so much!! Go you! And I'm kinda wishing I'd bought a pearl ring instead of my green one, but maybe that means we just need to go back? And I'm with Natalie -- let's do a girl's night!

    PS: I wasn't going to tell you this, but I actually FORGOT about my ring until I saw your post. I had to go dig my shopping bags out of the trash and rescue it! So thank you thank you!

  4. Love the jewelry! And love the price! When I visit next I want go jewelry shopping with you!

  5. WoW! I didn't realize you bought all that either! I loved our girls day yesterday so so so much! It's so fun to be so close with you and Monique. :) Lots of love!

  6. glad you had a fun day! so, does tyler say you have too much jewelry, too? ha ha. by the by, you forgot an e in bracelet. just in case you cared. but yay for new stuff!


It's the cool thing to do.