Saturday, July 19, 2008

2 years

I feel like I haven't blogged in so long, we've been out of town and since we got home our internet hasn't been working too great. Well a lot has happened in the last few weeks, so I guess I'll have a lot to blog about in the near future.

First off, Tyler and I had our anniversary on June 30. We went to Mongolian Grill (so yummy). We both chose to eat the buffet because of the neat way it's cooked. There's an all-can-eat buffet with lots of veggies, meat, pasta, fruit...things like that, and some yummy sauces to top it off. Then you give your full bowl to the cook and he'll grill it all right there in front of you. It's a great atmosphere and even though we both ate a ton, we felt pretty good afterwards because the food was so light. Then we headed over to the mall where traditionally we get the set of pictures taken in the booths. (It took us a couple pictures to get the hang of it. The very first picture caught us off guard and we took the second picture staring at ourselves instead of the camera...but I think we got it after that, haha.)

After that we went and saw Baby Mama in the theater. Too funny. There was more to the plot than I thought there would be. Oh and Tyler got me some gorgeous flowers and I woke up early and heart attacked the front room before he woke up. All in all, it was a good day.


  1. looks like you had a wonderful anniversary/vacation...I missed you at work!!

  2. fun stuff!i'm glad we got to see and visit with ya. the girls just love you both.

  3. awww...looks like it was a fun day!!

  4. Baby Mama, huh??? Are you hinting at anything? JK!!! What is the movie about I've never heard of it? I love the flowers, they are beautiful, I hope you had a wonderful anniversary!


It's the cool thing to do.