Tuesday, September 1, 2009

4 Weeks and Letters

We made some cute letters, before Danica was born, to hang above her crib. They were a lot of fun to make and SUPER easy.
On Sunday, Dani turned 4 weeks!!
Here are some pics:
I've also spent some time making headbands, including the one she's wearing in the picture. They are super easy and fun too. The flowers, though, are like the size of her head. I think those are cute for church or something else special, but for everyday, it just seems a little dressy to me. I think she needs to grow into them more. So I think I'll make more that are just a little smaller.


  1. The bow she is wearing is super cute! I love how she is all dressed up! I'm with you on now wearing bog bows ALL the time, though they are way cute for church and dressing up. I heard you guys are going to go to the family ward? Is that right? We are going to start there this week.

  2. She is so cute! I like the head band and the letters you did are way cute too!

  3. Danica is such a cutie! I love the letters and the head band. Good job! :)

  4. Cute, cute, cute! Are you loving having a girl? I'm loving the whole dressing up thing. Your letters and headbands are adorable. Would you mind sharing how you make them? I've been wanting to make things like that, but without instructions I'm craft challenged. :-)


It's the cool thing to do.